Hi, Friend.
I’m thrilled to announce my book tour for You Could Make This Place Beautiful. This is my seventh book and my first honest-to-goodness book tour. After zooming these past few years, I can’t wait to talk to all of these amazing writers (a DREAM) and to finally have the togetherness of in-person events.
If I’ll be in your neck of the woods, I hope you’ll come, bring your friends, and say hello. I’m looking at you, New York, Chicago, LA, San Francisco, DC, Nashville, Minneapolis, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, Kansas City, Cleveland, and Columbus. If you can’t make it to an in-person event, there are a couple of virtual options, too.
Being able to be in community again—whew. What a gift. This is a dear life, indeed.
See you soon—
I'm coming to see you this month in Bryn Mawr, Pa., and I'm so excited!
Oh how I wish you were coming Oregon!