This is my mother's birthday too! I think she would have been 91, but we lost her many years ago, way too young. Now I approach her age at the time she died and think of her often, especially because she was my first reader. She had a poem of mine published in the paper when I was six! Happy Birthday to Dame Smith, and to Pat Serra. And thank you other Maggie Smith, for your words. Always feel like making a cup of tea and sitting down to read when I see you have posted.
My mum would have been 88 today. Patricia. Born right before WWII in East Yorkshire. She was really the creative inspiration for her three offspring. She took a short story writing correspondence course in the early 70s while she was a stay at home mum. She wrote short stories and had a few published here and there, one read on local radio, and wrote a book about our year living in Victoria BC when my dad did a teachers exchange in 1977-8. We would call it a memoir but back then publishers weren't too interested in that kind of nonfiction. Nevertheless, she always infused creativity into our lives. Hers was a very solitary pursuit. She had one writer friend (who became quite a successful novelist and taught at the local college) whom she cherished. She inspires me now as a poet and I am grateful to have these kinds of connections-with you-Maggie Smith, poet and others. She's been an inspiration to my brother, recovering academic, vagabond sociologist and author of "Traveling with Strangers" about his life long love of hitchhiking; also to my sister, a talented playwright turned social worker. She always told us to use our "inner resources". There was a lot of that growing up in a house with no TV. I've been reading some of her letters with her best friend from high school. They were married on the same day. Margaret emigrated to Canada in the 60s, and is the only person living who knew my mum as a girl. Thanks for creating this space Maggie. You never know what your posts are going to spark, do you?
My goodness, our moms had the same birthday and were both moms who inspired creative kids! (see my comment) Raise a glass to ladies of that generation born on this special winter day!
I got a good chuckle reading your story… I have my own story… growing up with the madien name Little I was called Little Eva… like the singer of “Locomotion”. I was constantly asked if I was named after her…🤭
I was actually named after the Rod Stewart song “Maggie May”! (And if it hadn’t been for my older cousin Jenifer Jo insisting to my mom that my middle name be the same as hers, I would be a Maggie May instead of a Maggie Jo.)
I truly laughed out loud! Now, to find cake.
This is my mother's birthday too! I think she would have been 91, but we lost her many years ago, way too young. Now I approach her age at the time she died and think of her often, especially because she was my first reader. She had a poem of mine published in the paper when I was six! Happy Birthday to Dame Smith, and to Pat Serra. And thank you other Maggie Smith, for your words. Always feel like making a cup of tea and sitting down to read when I see you have posted.
That’s so kind, Joanell. Thank you for this. Raising my coffee mug to your mom, and to Lizzie’s, this morning.
My mum would have been 88 today. Patricia. Born right before WWII in East Yorkshire. She was really the creative inspiration for her three offspring. She took a short story writing correspondence course in the early 70s while she was a stay at home mum. She wrote short stories and had a few published here and there, one read on local radio, and wrote a book about our year living in Victoria BC when my dad did a teachers exchange in 1977-8. We would call it a memoir but back then publishers weren't too interested in that kind of nonfiction. Nevertheless, she always infused creativity into our lives. Hers was a very solitary pursuit. She had one writer friend (who became quite a successful novelist and taught at the local college) whom she cherished. She inspires me now as a poet and I am grateful to have these kinds of connections-with you-Maggie Smith, poet and others. She's been an inspiration to my brother, recovering academic, vagabond sociologist and author of "Traveling with Strangers" about his life long love of hitchhiking; also to my sister, a talented playwright turned social worker. She always told us to use our "inner resources". There was a lot of that growing up in a house with no TV. I've been reading some of her letters with her best friend from high school. They were married on the same day. Margaret emigrated to Canada in the 60s, and is the only person living who knew my mum as a girl. Thanks for creating this space Maggie. You never know what your posts are going to spark, do you?
Oh Lizzie, thank you so much for sharing this.
My goodness, our moms had the same birthday and were both moms who inspired creative kids! (see my comment) Raise a glass to ladies of that generation born on this special winter day!
How wonderful! To our creative and inspiring moms! 🍷
I love the connection made here! Happy Birthday to them both.
I got a good chuckle reading your story… I have my own story… growing up with the madien name Little I was called Little Eva… like the singer of “Locomotion”. I was constantly asked if I was named after her…🤭
I was actually named after the Rod Stewart song “Maggie May”! (And if it hadn’t been for my older cousin Jenifer Jo insisting to my mom that my middle name be the same as hers, I would be a Maggie May instead of a Maggie Jo.)
I really enjoyed reading your post. Dame Maggie was a gifted artist, as you are in YOUR art. I love the way you write.
Thank you, Rob.